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                Advantages of automatic filling of filler products over manual filling
                Release Date:2022-10-20 Views:281

                Although we all know that the paint and coating filling machine has been widely used, it is impossible to calculate how much benefit it can bring to the enterprise. In order to widely promote the paint and coating filling machine, it is necessary to let everyone clearly understand such an account.

                Paint filling machine is adopted by many enterprises due to its excellent performance. However, some enterprises still use traditional manual packaging due to lack of attention. The packaging rate and packaging precision are incomparable, let alone there is a big gap in cost. If some people are skeptical of the paint filling machine, Xiao Bian can figure it out with everyone at a glance

                For example, we put 25kg of paint in each paint bucket, plus reasonable reduction, to ensure that the paint will not lack weight. If 300 tons of paint is used, and artificial bags are used to reduce weight on a small scale, the weight that is difficult to avoid per ton is inaccurate. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the last two to three tons in calculation, and the profits wasted here are very considerable.

                Now the labor cost is rising. It must be right to hire more people. Their pay line is not much, and their work efficiency will be much slower. If the coating and filling machine is used, the effect has been greatly improved. While saving treatment, it can also do a lot of work, and also create profits for the enterprise.

                Therefore, from all aspects of the calculation, we can see that the packaging method of mechanized filling machine is much better than manual packaging.

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